Thursday, July 5, 2007

Isaiah Washington: Homophobe or Contradition Addict?

I'd say both.

Isaiah Washington recently did an interview with Larry King where he finally 'came clean' to America about what really happened on the set of Grey's Anatomy. If you ask me, his story only got dirtier.

The saddest thing about this whole ordeal is not that T.R. Knight was outed by the gossip surrounding the situation, but that he contradicted himself and his previous excuses/stories on MULTIPLE occasions during the interview.

By coming on Larry King and changing his story YET again, Washington is only fanning the fire of deception, scandal, and gossip surrounding his firing from the show, and his tarnished reputation as a homophobe with anger management issues!

Ok, check out these ridiculous highlights of the interview. Although he "loves Patrick Dempsey," Washington throws him under the bus on MULTIPLE occasions, blaming him for being late to the set and raising his voice at Washington and instigating their entire argument. Isaiah, the definition of professionalism and purity (because he didn't, you know, utter a homophobic slur not once but TWICE, no), claims that the first time he used the f-word he was referring to himself (and let me point out here that uttering "faggot" in a way that is not directed toward a homosexual is almost as bad), and is baffled as to how T.R. Knight came in to the picture at all. Apparently, in Isaiah's book, "faggot" does not refer to homosexuals negatively, but rather means someone who is weak and disrespected. Well, if that's the case, then I think he is one!

So he calls Dempsey unprofessional and Knight a liar, and he is the victim. And he didn't want to turn the situation into a race issue, but then refers to Chanda Rimes (creator) as an African American woman who fell into the trap of the studio execs. Um, how is that not a race issue?

I'll give this to the man: He had his side of the story down very clearly. But when King would throw a curve ball (the few that he ever does throw), Washington faltered and his true colors came through again. Referring to his stint in rehab and PSA for GLAAD as media stunts wished upon by Disney and ABC, and delivering vague answers to questions such as "Why is it acceptable to use the f-word at all, in any context?" only weaken his argument and his attempt to redeem his reputation.

He may be an amazing actor, and he may have been misrepresented and not entirely to blame for the way the situation turned out, but to place the blame on the blow-up on Patrick Dempsey, and to say that T.R. Knight should have been fired for his misrepresented behavior instead of him is just disgusting to me. And by attempting to clear his name and point fingers to other people involved, Washington is only dwelling on the subject and is not doing what he should be doing, which is lay low for a while and try to make a comeback in a few years. He and Mel Gibson should get together and talk things out. In a controlled environment. With no booze. And they should both be on time.

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