Friday, May 18, 2007

TR comes out in more ways than one...

Poor T.R. Knight was so ready to break free from his ties to Grey's Anatomy that he died his hair pink (well, not pink, but definitely dramatically bright red. It probably would have been pink if he bleached his hair before dying it). Now that's a way to come out of the closet! And out and proud, T.R., out and proud!
Last year he dyed his hair blue for ABC's upfronts, so this must be a followup. I don't particularly think it looks that great, but it's still a turn on for some reason (must be because it's T.R.).
Nevertheless, I think he may need some tips on learning how to lay low. For someone who was so shocked by the amount of media attention he got last year, and who was ready for a break from work, he sure doesn't know how to make himself disappear into the crowd. Who was his mentor, Britney Spears?

1 comment:

Kim said...

Personally, I love him. I have only watched a few (ok maybe half) of this season's episodes, but let me say, I just think he is awesome. He's pretty much the only reason I watch Grey's Anatomy at all. Him, and the roommate-bonding.

But this new hair? Oy.